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Remote Learning in Glasgow

To date 81% of teachers and 41% of pupils now have 1:1 managed iPads through our Connected Learning Programme. The deployment has now restarted remotely firstly to teachers which will be followed by remote pupil deployment. All iPads are managed to ensure safe usage by pupils at home.

In response to the imminent closure of schools GCC created a remote learning site for teachers to access teacher, pupil and parent support materials for the main platforms used successfully in schools to engage with pupils, parents and each other: Seesaw, Showbie and Teams.

In addition we have been hosting webinars each week by teachers for teachers: Apple teacher Mondays 3.00 – 4.00 and Coffee – Break Learning 10.30 – 11.00 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

To date we have over 1100 teachers signed up for the webinars with between 150 and 250 teachers tuning in each day. All webinars are recorded for watching at a suitable time. The Remote Learning support materials and webinars can be accessed at: 

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#DigiLearnGla   #GCCkeepsafekeeplearning 

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