Capturing and Assessing Learning Evidence

Supporting early level learners to digitally document their learning: enhancing early level literacy with digital technology. 

In this introductory session recording (part 1 of 2), we explore the Digital Literacy Experience and Outcomes (that sit within the Technologies Curriculum) and where they overlap with the Literacy and English curriculum.  You will find out about a range of digital tools that exist to support learners to document their learning, by allowing them to creatively capture their voice and interactions.  The session will be brought to life by real examples of rich media footage captured by whiteboard recording, green screen, interactive digital books, lip syncing and storytelling apps. This webinar also focuses on how the media can be collated collaboratively by practitioners and then shared with parents and carers via Glow. 


A guided demo session to Support early level learners to digitally document their learning. 

This session recording (Part 2 of 2) provides a guided demo on how to use the digital tools that are covered in part 1. 


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