Online Resources from DigiLearnScot

With all of the ongoing challenges of COVID-19 in schools, we’ve pulled together a few resources to support teachers when learners or staff are absent due to self-isolation.

These resources have been designed or curated to lend themselves to be undertaken with a degree of independence and not requiring a teacher to deliver ‘live’, although they could be adapted to suit this mode.

All of our materials are copyright-free but please respect the copyright and ownership of any resources or content we link to.

Let us know if you found any of these resources useful by writing a short blog post or tweeting about them with the hashtag #DigiLearnChat

Digital Literacy with iPad

These activities have been designed with the iPad in mind but could be adapted for use with other devices and apps. The apps suggested are typical ‘out of the box’ apps that should be available on your device without the need for download or purchase.

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