bitmoji classroom

Remote Learning in Business Education


Hi,I am Shelley a Business Education Teacher in the Scottish Borders. This is my first year as an MIEExpert and a Microsoft Trainer and I am very passionate about digital technologies.  Due to the nature of my subject in School I am fairly comfortable with using Microsoft  software and  I havebeen using Microsoft Teams for about 3 years now, so the transition to remote learning for myself has been quite seamless.

My Local Authority has introduced 1:1 iPads in Secondary Level, you can follow the progress of this @inspireSBC 


What am I using in my Virtual Classroom

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Class Notebook/One Note
  • Thinglink
  • PowerPoint (creating video content)
  • Microsoft Forms
  • Satchel One (Show My Homework)
  • Post it App
  • Kahoot
  • Loom

Read the full article on the MIE Scotland blog

Happy to share, help and/or collaborate
