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Frances Wright Nursery – Digital Engagement with Learners and Families




At Frances Wright Nursery we have used our nursery Twitter page to engage, not just with the parents, but also with the children too. Our nursery is unique in Dundee as we have 74 fulltime children from the local catchment area and 56 fulltime children with Additional Support Needs from across the city.


We have encouraged all families to log-in to our Twitter page, which they can do so simply through a Google search if they don’t feel ready to “join” Twitter yet, and , since Lockdown, we use our Twitter page to upload daily ideas for simple learning activities based around play and also helpful advice, tips and information about mental wellbeing, community and local information.


Following parents’ feedback after making a staff video to say “Hello and Stay Safe” we have started uploading videos of familiar staff reading stories, singing songs and rhymes and showing how to do activities.  Parents have been sharing photos with us showing us what their children have been doing at home, which we love to share but we also emphasise that there is no pressure to share photos or to complete any of the activities that we offer.


We have done Twitter polls to see which story the children would like to have read by video message. We have shared links to websites and apps that may be of interest. Parents shared that their children were missing seeing their friends, so we shared some throwback photos from nursery, and we are in the process of making a video to share using the photos that parents have shared with us of their child’s learning during Lockdown.


The emphasis of our nursery Twitter page is to connect with families and emphasise the importance of learning through play. We do not want to put extra pressure on families at this tough time, but provide them with positive messages, for the whole family’s mental and physical health, with easy to follow tips and ideas that have relevance to all our families, so everyone feels included, supported and connected.

We ensure that our Twitter page includes information and tips which are easily adaptable for all ages and stages, to suit children with ASN and older and younger siblings.

Frances Wright Nursery Twitter Feed 


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