young learners using plastic tubes for pretend telephones

Online Science Planning Resource launched

An online resource, prepared by the Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) programme, has been launched to support planning for meaningful and engaging primary science experiences.

The resource addresses each of the science curriculum organisers in the topics of planet Earth; forces, electricity & waves; biological systems; materials; and topical science. Individual planners for each experience and outcome have been produced and include a list of suggested activities and links, as well as further lesson ideas and inspiration.

RAiSE is a programme of The Wood Foundation, Education Scotland, Scottish Government and participating local authorities which enhances the delivery of STEM education in primary schools. The programme’s Primary Science Development Officers (PSDOs) worked collaboratively to develop the resource which was then quality assured by teachers.

Gayle Duffus, National Education Officer leading the RAiSE programme at Education Scotland, said:

“This resource is the result of a great deal of collaboration, innovation and development within the RAiSE network, as well as with a range of stakeholders.

“The publication of this informative, supportive online resource feels particularly timely given the current educational landscape. Its impact will continue to resonate once classes return.

“Engaging, exciting and motivating young children in the STEM subjects is vital as prepare a generation for their ongoing education and beyond. Empowering teachers with the inspiration, skills and networks to do so confidently will help us achieve that goal.”

This is a free resource which is publicly available and focusses on addressing a range of Experiences and Outcomes (E&Os).  Each planner contains links to other curricular areas and contexts to support interdisciplinary learning. There are also instruction videos. This resource will continue to be developed.

Alan Armstrong, Strategic Director at Education Scotland, said:

“From Education Scotland, to local authorities and teachers, we all have responsibilities for helping Scotland’s children and young people to continue learning at home during school closures and as they open again. We are delighted to publish the online Science Planning Resource which provides support for teachers as they prepare for remote learning now and when schools return. The planners are designed for teachers to engage and inspire young people in STEM subjects, including through instructional videos and links to encourage interdisciplinary learning.”

RAiSE has been active in 14 local authority areas and is now being offered, on a rolling basis, to all local authorities in Scotland.

Access the resource here: