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History Teachers Connecting Through Teams

Scottish Association of Teachers of History (SATH) on Microsoft Teams by Rebecca Hay

If you are a Scottish History teacher get in touch with the SATH team:
twitter – @SATHinfo 

We got the Team set up in early February, so it’s a very new ‘baby’ of ours. Great timing as it turns out, as it meant that the resource was essentially there for teachers when the lockdown started.  


We have over 500 members, with an average of 100+ active every day. The discussion has been varied and interesting – today for example, an NQT put up a really interesting professional inquiry about virtual learning and it’s been interesting to hear others experiences.

Lots of people have been sharing resources they’ve discovered online, ideas that have worked, or asking for help and advice. Some teachers have worked collaboratively on developing materials (e.g. the ‘Meanwhile Elsewhere’ resource for BGE). From the Advanced Higher channel a little sub team of those who teach Germany has formed, and we’ve had virtual meetings to chat about our practice and share ideas. 

Probably the greatest help has been the huge amount of materials available in Files – 46GB of materials has been shared by teachers, and what a wonderful resource this has been to everyone, not just in the current situation, but for normal times too.  


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