Why teaching?

I cannot remember the exact moment where I realised that I wanted to be a teacher. But I know that children and learning have always been something that I’ve been passionate about. As the eldest of 8 grandchildren I’ve grown up looking after my younger siblings and cousins. This is where my love of children started and it only developed as a grew up. As a child if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have always said that I wanted to be a teacher but it was only in high school that I started taking this prospect seriously. 

In high school I started to get involved with  helping out at the various clubs and organisations that were held at mimg_7073y church. I helped out at girls brigade on a Monday night where I would lead games and craft with the younger girls. I became a leader a junior youth club on a Friday night where I became the youngest leader to take the story. And I became a small group leader at children’s church helping the 4-6 year olds on a Sunday morning. 

As I grew up I used the skills I had gimg_6650ained through church organisations to become a leader at different teams and camps in my summer holidays. From an outreach team in Belfast focused on reaching out to the local kids and teens to Bekoji a small village in Ethiopia where we helped teach children about God, these teams helped my love for children develop and my passion for teaching grow stronger.

As I embarked on my journey to becoming a teacher I did work experience in a few local primary schools. The experiences through getting to know the children on work experience drove me to become completely focused on becoming a teacher and getting a place on the course at Dundee. Even though I can’t remember the moment which made me want to become a teacher, I believe that the combination of experiences and skills that I have gained over the years have equipped me to start my journey to becoming a teacher and I can’t wait to get started! 

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