Digital Technology Introduction 9/1/2018

Prior to my introduction to the Digital Technology module my knowledge and experience with technology was limited. My definition of digital technology mentioned the electronically equipment solely while neglecting its significance within modern society and the benefits of its use, specifically in today’s classrooms. However, by the end of the lesson I was introduced to a wider definition from Education Scotland “Digital technology is a term used to describe those digital applications, services and resources which are used to: find, analyse, create, communicate and use information in a digital context” (Education Scotland 2015).

The use of digital technology in classrooms is becoming increasingly promoted. This is a result of the Scottish Governments intent to introduce and increase the use of digital technology within Scottish classrooms to improve learning for 3-18-year olds. The Government published the “Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of digital technologies” report in 2016 to showcase their aims for digital technology education and the possible benefits of its use. The report stated that Digital Technology can “enhance learning and teaching” and “lead to improved educational outcomes” (Scottish Government 2016). The report detailed evidence of the benefits of the use of digital literacy for an example secondary school. The school found that by introducing e-portfolios to all learners from S1-S3, the learners were able to post and critique their work while monitoring their progress efficiently. As a result, the school found that the digital literacy of both teachers and learners has significantly improved. Moreover, the use of digital technology enhances learner’s enjoyment of lesson as it relates the educational content to technology they are familiar and have experience with. Additionally, with digital technology becoming increasingly significant today, by preparing our young learners with the skill and knowledge of digital literacy we are providing them with the expertise to succeed in todays workforce.

Furthermore, the report educated me on the multiple benefits of digital technology for educators which I previously uniformed on.  Firstly, digital technology provides educators with an extensive variety of educational materials they can use for their own lessons. Additionally, because of digital technology educators can mark student’s papers easily and efficiently through use of sites such as ‘’ which allows learners to submit their work electronically and anonymously. This is an effective method of marking as it eliminates the possibility of paperwork becoming lost or damaged while eliminating potential bias of marking through anonymity. Lastly, the use of Glow blogs provides an online meeting tool that connects educators, so they may exchange materials and participate in curriculum discussions.

To conclude, I am optimistic that my study of digital technology will continue to enhance my understanding and skills as a student teacher that I can apply to future lessons. As a result, I am confident my learners understanding, and enjoyment of my lessons will be enhanced while their digital literacy will continuously progress.

Reference List:

Scottish Government. (2016) A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. Edinburgh. Scottish Government (Online) Available:  [Accessed: 9 January 2018]

Education Scotland (2015). Consultation on the development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. (Online) Available: [Accessed: 9 January 2018]


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