Upon reading chapter five it is clear that the main aim of the chapter is to illustrate the many ways in which questions are a vital part of learning. Throughout the chapter there are many themes that are illustrated such as; the effects that questions have on children, the effects of questions in the classroom, how questions can improve relationships and the importance of questions. Within the theme ‘the effects our questions have on children’ it highlights throughout the necessary use of caution when asking children leading questions such as ‘did someone tell you to say that? Did someone tell you to lie’ as using these questions children are more likely to become aggressive and reluctant to answer the questions as they are aware that you do not believe them and in turn they are less likely to tell the truth or confide in you. These claims are backed up in an investigation by the times 2004 surrounding child abuse.
Although I agree with the majority of the authors comments throughout the chapter I do disagree with particular quote within the ‘questions and control’ section. During the section the author quotes Bold (2009) “questions allow the questioner to control the conversation by requesting to engage the addressee to engage with a specific topic” while questions allow the questioner to decide the conversations direction they do not know the addressee’s knowledge on the certain subject and therefore the addressee could quickly gain control of the conversation.
Overall, I found the chapter a very beneficial read. It provided a deeper insight into the many different types of questions and the way they can shape conversations and/or relationships. Most importantly I feel the chapter highlighted the importance of being mindful in the way we ask questions to young children as it can greatly improve or affect their learning.
‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’ Hargie, O. (2011).Skilled Interpersonal Communiction: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.