In today’s lecture the main focus was on Windows in the West a painting by Avril Paton a living artist (1993) a painting made with watercolours and paper.
This painting was stimulated from a memory of snow and the feeling seeing snow made her feel. This is a painting, which is currently on display in Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. Windows in the West is one of the best selling painting in Scotland.
The visual arts workshop was linked to today’s lecture about Windows in the West. This workshop was all about printmaking we concentrated on one specific section of Avril Paton painting. We had the chance to explore this painting in great detail working through a variety of stages with one colour then progressing onto using two colours.
In the next workshop was input of drama. We started off this workshop discussing our feelings of drama and how we would feel teaching drama. I personally feel, as through drama is an area I do not feel confident taking part in as well as teaching. In this input we also focused on the story of the lonely dragon the aim of this was to understand the difference between people, the danger of jumping to conclusion and how to solve problems. We had the opportunity to engage with the first five drama conventions throughout the workshop.
Throughout drama teachers must ensure students are engaged in collective enquiry and exploration (O’Neill, 1987)
Both workshops linked to one another, as there are a number of different stages you must undertake to get to an end production. This is useful to remember in relation to curriculum for excellence. In an art lesson printmaking could be linked to topic for example the Vikings or the Romans. Again for drama linking the topic in using books related the Vikings allowing pupils to use drama conventions.
Reference List:
Paton, A. (1993) Windows in the West. [Watercolours on paper 48” x 60”] Glasgow. [Online] Available: [Accessed: 3 October 2017]
Paton, A. (2017) Windows in the West. [Online] Available: [Accessed: 3 October 2017]