27.3.18 – iMovie & e-safety

The themes for today’s class were internet safety and also the use of iMovie in the classroom.  I have two children aged 11 and 13 and so the subject of internet safety for children is a very relevant and current one for me.  It is a constant source of worry, even though I know I have equipped them well to be safe online.

Having looked at the resources we were given links to it is reassuring to that that there are so many forums dedicated to helping children, and adults, to stay safe on the internet.  I particularly like the Hector’s World animation on the “Think you know?” website and can see it would be an excellent talking point in a classroom.  There are many discussions as to who the responsibility should lie with to teach children to be safe online.  In my mind it is just another aspect of child protection and as such that responsibility falls to us all…teachers, parents, guardians and the wider community.

Research by The Scottish Government (2015) into Raising Attainment has shown evidence that digital equipment, tools and resources can improve the speed and depth of learning in science and mathematics and improve aspects of literacy and numeracy skills.  This resonates with the discussions in previous blogs of the importance of having digital technology in the classroom.  When we bring this equipment in to the classroom, including internet access, then we do have a responsibility ensure the children are equipped use it safely and responsibly and direct them to take those skills and knowledge out with the classroom environment. It is important to approach the topic in a manner that encapsulates the concept “…the key idea [is] that e-safety is not about restricting children, but about educating them.” (Beauchamp, 2012, p.58) Indeed he goes on to discuss further that generally the schools most successful in teaching e-safety were those that placed an emphasis on ensuring pupils knew what to do when things went wrong. (Beauchamp 2012).  I can see how this would be a successful strategy as it is not about restricting what the children can access or about making them terrified about being online but it recognises that things that go wrong and focusses on equipping children with the knowledge and skills on what to do next.  I think it is important that children feel comfortable that they have those skills and equally importantly, that there are adults within the school that they can go to with anything that concerns them about their safety online.

The use of iMovie to create a short video about e-safety was the next part of the lesson.  Working with my class mate we first decided on the storyline and the genre we would use.  We looked at the iMovie app on the iPad and liked the style of the trailers so used that for our creation.  We opted to use toy characters and still shots so I can see that this is a task that could be done in the classroom in groups but equally we could have opted to act and used various locations inside and outside as the set.  This would definitely encourage children to be creative in their storymaking! It is Porter (2004) who noted that “digital storytelling begins with the notion that in the not too distant future, sharing one’s story through the multiple mediums of digital imagery, text, voice, sound, music, video and animation will be the principle hobby of the world’s people.”  I think we are there now.

Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes that I would link to this are:

I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of ways in which I can gain access to practical and emotional support to help me and others in a range of circumstances.                                                                                                                        HWB 0-03a/1-03a/2-03a/3-03a/4-03a

I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other peoples presentations/performances.                EXA 0-01a/1-01a/2-01z

I can explore digital technologies and use what I learn to solve problems and share ideas and thoughts,                                                                                                                              TCH 0-01a

I can extend my knowledge of how to use digital technology to communicate with others and I am aware of ways to keep safe and secure.                                                  TCH 1-03a

I enjoy creating texts of my choice and I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience.                                                                  LIT 1-20a/2-20a


Beauchamp, G. (2012) ICT in the Primary Classroom: From Pedagogy to Practice. Pearson.


Porter, B. (2004) Digi Tales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories. Bernajean Porter Publication.


Scottish Executive (2004) Curriculum for Excellence. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive


The Scottish Government (2015) Literature Review on the Impact of Digital Technology on Learning and Teaching.  [Online] http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/24843/1/00489224.pdf [Accessed: 27.3.18]

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