Tag Archives: Week 4

Week 4/6 – Dance

For these sessions, we continued the warm up games from the last session. To enhance the student lead activities, we then prepared and played each groups warm up games. For example, my groups game was jungle based.


The students started off walking as if they were walking through the jungle, then I would shout out an animal. For example, if I shouted out “monkey”, they’d have to jump about and act like a monkey. This involved the whole section having to listen to instructions, be aware of the available space so that they didn’t bump into anyone and it also included everyone. Games like these are a great way for children to focus their attention on the teacher and follow instructions, whilst also having fun.

We then continued to work on our performances with the addition of the Halloween moves. Each group had been given the same steps at the start of the dance workshops, but had all managed to successfully create different, unique dances. We then evaluated our dances as a group.


Once we all came together, we then practiced the whole routine from start to finish. This consisted of a starting pose which we all did in a Mexican wave style, then a spin. We then spaced out and did our section part of the dance. Next, individual groups took it in turns to perform their piece which they had been practicing in the previous weeks. Our section was last to perform. once all sections had performed their piece, we all gathered into the centre and fell to the ground to end the dance in time with the music.

The video can be found here under the dance section: http://moodle.uws.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=7698

Week 4 – Art

One technique that the teacher implemented was “Reading the Picture”. This involved talking to the class as a whole and informing them about a certain piece of artwork. In this case, it was coastal scene. The teacher explained what the picture entailed in detail, and we were left to use our own imagination to create similar yet original paintings. During this session, we were not using “traditional” paint brushes. We were invited to use the materials presented to us in the form of things tied to sticks. For example, my “paintbrush” consisted of a long piece of string that was wound into a spherical shape on the end of a stick. I also utilised the end of the stick to achieve more precise lines in my painting. This enabled us to exercise our imagination and learn how to paint in a different style. I started my painting with an A3 sheet of light blue paper which I then proceeded to paint the background onto, e.g. the waves and the sky/clouds. Once that task was completed, I portrayed the boats and scenery.