Tag Archives: Session 4


This week, we were introduced to the topic of STEM and STEAM.

STEM relates to the science, technology, engineering and maths within the school curriculum. It is an integrated approach to learning that relates topic to real life situations. Through STEM, children have the opportunity to solve problems and make connections. It also enables them to question why things are a certain way and think outside of the box.

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, ART and maths. Art is an integral part of the curriculum and should be encouraged in all aspects of learning. Involving art in the STEM approach enables pupils to understand things in a clearer way. It can help to make pupils feel safe at estimating answers, as there are no wrong answers in art.

Including art into this approach engages both sides of the brain.

The left hemisphere of the brain engages with the analysis of information and processing ideas. This is the side of the brain which focuses on STEM. The right hemisphere of the brain focuses more on the personal aspects such as imagination and creativity.

This is where the art comes into STEAM. Through STEAM, pupils will engage both sides of the brain, therefore making more connections. This is what sets us apart from all being the same. Although STEM is an essential part of learning, art allows us to show imagination and creativity.

I feel that while work is being done to introduce STEAM into the primary schools in America, there needs to be a push to implement it into the UK.

I believe that STEAM should be implemented into our classrooms, as art can allow children to have different experiences in relation to education that may aid them in making decisions in the future, therefore having a positive impact on their lives (Jolly, 2014)



Jolly, A. (2014) STEM vs. STEAM: Do the Arts Belong? [Online] Available: http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2014/11/18/ctq-jolly-stem-vs-steam.html [Accessed: 8th April 2017]