Week 9 – Music

This week we were introduced to the website “Charanga”. This was explained to be a guide for teachers to use in the classroom, and a way to teach music if you are not very confident doing so. In this site, you get the opportunity to plan lessons depending on your confidence. For example, if you have no experience, they can give you a complete plan that is laid out in simple terms. However, if you already have a rough idea of what you are doing, they can help by giving pointers and activities. We spent the first part of the lesson getting to grips with Charanga, and then we tested out some of the lesson plans.

As a student teacher, I would find this very beneficial to my lesson planning. The lessons planned in Charanga include a wide variety of activities for all year groups, so it would be easy to rearrange it a small amount to fit in with the lessons that I have already planned. I fell like the pupils would maybe engage more with this online website too, as it gives simple visual aids and is easy to navigate.

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