Week 1 – Music

To introduce us to the module, we were instructed to listen to 5 different pieces of music and were asked to describe how we felt while listening to them.  This was to show how music can affect our mood and can have an impact on changing our attitudes towards certain things. After this input, we then watched a clip from Bill Baileys show, which showed him explaining the different layers of an orchestra. He explained how the different layers all work together to create a musical piece. He showed this by inviting the bassoon player to demonstrate their role.

Lastly, we listened to an excerpt from Fantasia and interpreted its meanings in groups. We listened to it all the way through then mind mapped ideas from the whole group. Once we decided on a story, we folded a piece of A3 paper into 6 equal pieces, and this was the base for our story boards. The music began quite calmly, then proceeded to get faster and faster until it came to a climax.


With our integrated ideas, we managed to create a rough story which we thought agreed with the music.  We created a story about a boy and a girl in the woods, and the climax was a bear attacking them. When the class had finished with their stories, the teacher then put the song on one last time, but with visual aid. This showed us that the music was from Disney’s “Fantasia”, and the song was linked to the story of the tin man and the ballerina. This showed us how children can interpret music in all different ways, and no answer can be wrong when talking about the interpretation of the music.

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