Week 7

1st November 2016


We began by reading a children’s story called ‘ The Tunnel’ by Anthony Browne. This was an engaging for us as students as the lecture, Andrew-who was reading the book to us changed his voice during the story, altered his pace making us as listeners more enthralled. This is a very important skill to use when reading to children as it makes the story more interesting and allows the listens to become more engaged with the story.  (Hicks, 2007).


Role on the Wall: A simple outline of a character is drawn on a large sheet of paper.  Around the outside of the body the children write words and phrases that others think of the character.  On the inside of the body children write what the character is thinking and feeling.
role-on-the-wall Our interpretation how the girl is feeling (inside) and how she is perceived (outside).

Mime: Acting without words.  Configuration mime is when the children can become objects, building, furniture etc.  White mime is when the children would draw an object in the air e.g. a glass of coke then use it in their mime.


Voices in the Head: When you hear what a character is thinking and feeling.  With opposing voices being heard from the one character.

Monologue: A character on their own, speaking their thoughts.


Voices in the Head: When you hear what a character is thinking and feeling.  With opposing voices being heard from the one character.

Hicks, B. (2007). Healthy Interactions with Children– Tone of Voice. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 02/11/2016]

Thrum, M. (2008) A Matter of Perspective. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 02/11/2016]


Greenmill Primary School Project

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( Greenmill Primary School, 2015)


I found this article very interesting highlighting the benefits of playing a musical instrument.

Click Here

The School Run, 2016. How Singing can Support Children’s Learning. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 02/11/2016]

Matthews, M. (2011). Effective Music Teaching: 18 Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 02/11/2016]

Greenmill Primary School. (2015) [Online] Available at: http://www.greenmillprimary.com/ 
[Accessed: 02/11/2016]