After completing the Holmes Rahe Stress Inventory I scored 117. Thus the test therefore stated that I have experienced a relatively low amount of life change and so had a low susceptibility to stress-induced health breakdown. Looking over these questions it has highlighted to me that I have not experienced many of these life changes listed in this test however I have dealt with similar situations. For example one of the high causes of stress listed in this test was divorce, however being only 19 I have not yet experienced marriage. I have however experienced the break-down of a long term relationship which I feel can have just as much of an impact on a person. I did relate to some of the items listed on the test such as the experiencing the death of a loved one and felt it was particularly difficult to deal with because it happened so suddenly. However I feel that over time I have been able to grieve and come to terms with my emotions and feel like although it caused me stress at the time, I am more at peace with what has happened. I also related to the stress of going on holiday because I hate airports and the whole experience of being in an airport is stressful from start to finish; from trying to find the gate, to trying to get your flight on time, to trying to find your luggage at the baggage claim. Another thing I relate to on the list is having a major change in my eating habits. As I have my exams soon I channel my stress through eating junk food and so have put on weight. This then makes me have a negative self image about myself which causes me more stress and discomfort. I also began studying at university this year which caused me to feel really stressed and anxious as I had attended university prior to this course and had found that course unfitting to my personality academically. Therefore by already having this bad experience in my memory I was stressed that this would have the same outcome. However after almost completing my first year in this university I am no longer stressed as I am aware that I have made the right decision and I am happier now than I had been this time last year.