Overall I feel I have learned that prejudice is something all people can experience, whether it may be based on their race, gender, religion etc. The power point also revealed to me that my prejudices are influenced by people in my micro and macro world and showed that prejudices are formed in the format of: learned prejudices, early learning, later learning until the behaviour becomes automatic and prejudice. However I feel like I need to look into examples of how these prejudices are formed through this process to fully understand it. However I feel I may have to do further research into the affective, behavioural and cognitive theories that were highlighted within the presentation when the difference between prejudice and discrimination was being discussed. As well as this I feel I will need to explore Pettigrew’s theory of conformity in prejudice. Having seen the types of people directly affected by prejudice I feel I may be affected by prejudice throughout my career. Despite teaching, specifically primary education, being a predominately female profession, women still struggle to reach the top of their professions and so therefore I may struggle to get promotions over male candidates. After learning of the agents of socialisation to be media, family, peers, education and technology, I feel like I need to research examples of each agent to understand how it affects prejudice.