Tag Archives: health and wellbeing

Video of Harry Burns

Watch video of Harry Burns – write a reflection (1 hour)


Evidence: Write a reflection about your thoughts on wellness and wellbeing in children. 

What causes wellness?

Burns suggested that we are trained to think in terms how to treat things and we are always looking at the causes of things. He talked about this in relation to doctors and how they treat patients which I felt was a really good description to use.

From my reading it was suggested by Scottish Government (2009) that we need to be able to focus on promoting good mental wellbeing and try to monitor and reduce negative wellbeing. I think for many people would find this quite challenging an it would take quite a bit of time to change this mindset that we have been following for so long.

Burns continues to talk about the different wellbeing theories such

  • Resilience – to achieve resilience we need to have support from secure family member, peers and community
  • A sense of  meaning and purpose in some form
  • The ability to flourish-  be optimistic, positive, form
  • good relationships

Link between psychology and biology? Wellness will be not be improved unless we learn about the world around us and have a sense of control in the world around us.  This made me consider the way that we learn and the pedagogy that we use in school, for example experiential learning (Dewey) and how we promote this in school. This suggests that we are moving in the right direction however other factors will also contribute the inequalities.

I believe Burns is accurate when he says that we are living in a cycle and if young children are isolated or alienated at the early stages then this will continue unless something is done about it to break them out of the cycle.

What I got from this talk was that the relationships that we have play a key role in improving our wellness. If we have secure attachments at the beginning of our life, this is likely to continue and this will contribute to having a supporting family network. The relationships that we build as we grow up are part of our learning communities which enable us to stay connected. If we are connected to our peers and communities we are more likely to have confidence, higher self esteem ad be able to help others which then created a sense of meaning and purpose. If we are able to help and connect with people that feel excluded from society then this will help them get back into the community as they will begin to feel more accepted.

Scottish Government (2009) Towards a mentally flourishing Scotland Policy and Action Plan. Available at: http://www.gov.scot/resource/doc/271822/0081031.pdf (Accessed: 2 November 2015).


Journal Article

Read an Academic Journal

Read and Share an academic paper around the area of child development with a peer

Evidence: Add a reference for the academic paper and write a reflection of the key findings (2 hours)

Geddes, R. Frank, J. and Haw, S. (2011) ‘A rapid review of the key strategies to improve the cognitive and social development of children in Scotland’, Health Policy, 101(1), pp. 20-28.

This article highlighted the importance of early childhood development as it is strongly influenced by:

  1. Wellbeing
  2. Mental health
  3. Competency in literacy and numeracy
  4. Social participation
  5. Obesity
  6. Heart disease
  7. Criminality
  8. Economic productivity

They stated that Britain ranked last in child wellbeing out of 21 developed countries which suggests that we need to improve the health and wellbeing of children in our society.

They looked at using early intervention schemes as a way of reducing the health inequalities and found that they can reduce lifelong disadvantage. They suggested that significant improvements were made in all domains of child development.

Home and centre based programmes focusing on developing the needs of children and parents appear to be effective. This article also suggests that the assessment of community and home programmes can be evaluated when the children reach school age as schools will be to notice a difference in the level of support pupils are getting outside of school and whether or not this is making a difference to their development.


I have really enjoyed the HWB module and I am really glad I chose this as my last elective. I think my views on how health and wellbeing should be experienced in school have completely changed since I first started the module. I am now more aware of how I would like HWB to be incorporated in the curriculum. I think with CfE the “responsibility for all” is completely accurate for me. I think that HWB should not just be taught as targeted lessons but should be a way of life in a school.

I think I have tried to reflect throughout this blog and I have managed to complete the 30 hours of TDT work for the portfolio. However I completely underestimated how long it would take me to upload everything on to this blog so if I was to change anything if I took the module again, it would be to set up a blog earlier so as I could complete the tasks and upload them straight away!

I think after taking this module I feel more ready to go into schools and feel more confident if I was to do any activities related to health and wellbeing. I feel as if I have more knowledge on where I can go to get  access to information and resources for HWB but I am sure when I am in my own class I will be able to keep and build up the resources more of my own resources.

Restorative practice

I felt as if this input was really informative and gave us lots to think about however we were given a lot of information in that one lecture so I think it might even be more beneficial to have this over two lectures. I think even if we were to have a look at what restorative practice was before the input in our own time and then the lecture was then used to discuss what we have found out and then anything else can be added throughout the lecture.

I think I will definitely use restorative practice in my own class as I think it could be a really effective approach to help behaviour management. I know it is time consuming but this approach gets individuals to think about other perspectives and people can develop empathy towards others.

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood

I really enjoyed this input, I think that it is always good to have a visitor coming in to talk to us about what they do as it gives us a little more insight into the other services that we could potentially be working alongside in the future. I think that it was really beneficial for us to see some of the resources that can be used to deliver this aspect within HWB as I think it is an area that many teachers try to avoid and this should not be the case. In fact, because we live in such a such a sexualised society I think it is more important for us, as teachers to respond to this and ensure that our children are aware of how to stay safe and protected. I definitely feel a more confident about teaching this aspect of HWB.

Outdoor Learning

I think we forget how much enjoyment we get from being outdoors. I think we were outside for less than two minutes and before we were about to start the activities a lot of us were laughing and smiling. I think that it is important to offer pupils experiences that they are going to find challenging but also enjoy themselves during the process.

Team building activites and energisers were a really good way to build up relationships and have fun with each other.