The Equality game
Learn to play ‘The Equality Game’ and organise a game with other members of the wider MA programme. Consider how you could use this in the classroom to promote fairness and build relationships. You will find more information about the game via the weblink below. Reflect on the appropriateness of this activity and decide how it links to HWB.
This was our attempt at the equality game, however this is a short extract from our discussion.
We felt that this activity could be used in a lesson built around the following experiences and outcomes from health and wellbeing:
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community. HWB 0-13a / HWB 1-13a / HWB 2-13a / HWB 3-13a / HWB 4-13a
As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others. HWB 0-09a / HWB 1-09a / HWB 2-09a / HWB 3-09a / HWB 4-09a
I think this game would be really interesting in a classroom setting to find out how the discussion would progress. It would be interesting to find out the different views of pupils and see how they would distribute the smarties. This could then lead on to the discussion that if people worked hard for the sweetie then they are more deserving and how do you then measure hard work as this may be different depending on the person.
I think this would be an enjoyable exercise in the classroom and could be an introduction to debating, having different sides, ensuring you listen to what others have to say.