Session 6 – 16/2/17 – Learning with narrative and visual methods to construct meaning in and through the Expressive Arts


This weeks session took place at Kelvingrove in Glasgow. This was a very real learning experience as instead of sitting in a classroom discussing pieces of art, we were allowed to explore the variety of artwork in a real gallery/museum. This meant that we were extremely engaged and excited, as children would also be.

Something that highlighted this to me was that during our Integrated Arts module we spent some time considering the painting Windows in the West by Avril Paton.

Looking at this painting from a video/photograph was fine at the time, but when we had the chance to see the painting in person and study it and its detail up close I realised the vast extent to which being able to view something in person is better.

Places like Kelvingrove are easily accessible for schools to visit and I think it is a great opportunity to take pupils on a school trip to provide a memorable learning experience for them.

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