Personal audit & transferable skills

Activity 1

1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities




 Self-confidence                      2
 Take risks                      2
 Organise and plan                       3
Manage Time                       3
 Make presentations                      2
 Act as a leader                      2
 Listen to others                       3
 Debate formally and informally                      2
 Take notes                        3

Although it is important to identify where we are now, it is not enough to stop there. We need to reflect upon how we can develop the skills where we are less confident and how we can transfer the skills in which we are confident and competent.

Activity 2

Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How will I use these How do I know (evidence)**
 Organise and plan This skill is essential in everyday life, and I will continue to develop it through making sure I am prepared for lectures, and group tasks.  Such a skill as this is also essential when working in a group, one must be organised in order to contribute effectively to team work. I will use these skills throughout group tasks, contributing and making progress with those around me. Organising and planning has been key for making progress in my work. In order to complete my work to the highest standard possible I have read ahead for lectures, and made sure all my materials are prepared for tasks. These skills have also become visibly important throughout the group tasks I have been involved with, forward planning and a clear path to follow make for effective team work.
 Manage time  This interpersonal skill is very important for both individual work, as well as group based tasks. I would develop this skill through managing my self-study time as effectively as I could, while also applying this to group work: where each person’s role and progress is key. Within the various group tasks I have been involved with time management has been the make or break. Without effective time management tasks have been chaotic and there has been a lot of panic present. Whereas, where we have been successful with our time management tasks have gone more smoothly, and work has been completed fully.
 Listen to others This skill comes under the umbrella term of communication, using this skill in a team work sense is key – allowing everyone in a group to contribute and share their ideas. Good team work comes from allowing everyone’s ideas and strengths to come together, instead of just using one person’s attributes, and this can only be done through listening to others. This was another key skill when working in a team with my peers, as it was very important to let each voice be heard. Each member made insightful contributions to the task which allowed us to complete the task to the highest standard possible. At the base of all these aspects was the skill of listening to each other, because without that no one’s voice would have truly been heard In such a task.
 Take notes I would develop this communication type skill within my lectures, developing my ability to pick out the key information to take notes on. Finding this balance between listening/taking in information, and note taking would be indispensable for this aspect. Throughout my lectures so far I have found it to be too much trying to take down all the information given out, as a result I have had to pick out the key points in my lectures to note down.

** This section should be completed as you identify when/where/how you have used/developed these skills.

Part B – Activity 1

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills not yet developed How will I develop these How do I know (evidence)**
 Self-confidence  In my opinion this skill is key within a leadership role, and due to this I would develop this skill through pushing myself to take on a leadership role more often. This would challenge me to make important decisions for a team, and have confidence in my own thoughts and views. A leader must have confidence in them-self, or their team will be reluctant follow their lead. Within group tasks it takes self confidence to make contributions, and I have experienced this. When making a contribution there is sometimes doubt present, but making sure to be confident in myself and my views has helped me to overcome this doubt.
 Take risks  In my opinion this type of personal skill can only truly be developed in a practical situation. In regards to this idea, I could perhaps put this skill into action when working with a team, or when leading a group of people. Risks can sometimes be necessary in order to overcome challenges and other hurdles. There hasn’t been many opportunities to take risks so far, but in milder terms – throughout group work there has always been this element of having to go with something (an idea perhaps) you are not sure about at first.
 Make presentations There will be many opportunities to develop this skill through the Primary education course, working with my peers is a core part of the course, and a key way of experiencing this cross over between professions. This will be a great way to widen my experience of creating presentations, an aspect which will be indispensable for my future role as primary teacher.
 Act as leader  I would develop this skill by pushing myself to take on the role of leader more often. In my opinion this skill will only develop if I put myself into this position, and practice dealing with a variety of situations – such as overcoming challenges. This role would require me to develop my self-confidence, as well as a variety of aspects of communication.
 Debate formally and informally  In my opinion developing these skills requires stepping out of your comfort zone somewhat. I will push my boundaries through taking part in more debate style discussions with my peers, and sharing my views – making sure I back up these views.