IB Reflective Tasks

Reflective Task 1:

The aims of the International Baccalaureate and Curriculum for Excellence have many similarities. Both the IB programme and the CfE curriculum aim to put the learner at the centre of the education. Another similarity is that the IB and CfE both aim to prepare and equip young people for learning for life and equip them with the necessary skills for to better their knowledge and understanding throughout their lives. An aim of the Curriculum for Excellence mentions helping young people to be knowledgeable, skilful and equipped for 21st century life which correlates the aims of the IB programme.

During my MA1 placement I was fortunate to witness aspects of the aims of the IB programme. For example, within the class there were children from a variety of countries and cultures and it was encouraged that they share with the class their unique perspectives. This relates to the IB programme’s aim that young people are communicators as well as global citizens who can respect and aim to understand the perspectives of others. Another aspect I often would witness is the reflective aim of the IB programme. The class teacher would often aim to add a reflective activity or “big questions” during the day to spark debates and discussions similar to that mentioned in the IB video.

Reflective Task 2:

The core aims of both the IB programme and CfE are very similar. The ten aims of the IB programme can be categorised into the four aims of the CfE which demonstrates their similarities such as how thinkers correlates to the successful learners capacity of the CfE when it quotes they should be able to “think creatively and independently”. Although the aims of each curriculum vary slightly, the ultimate goals for the learners are essentially the same.

The main contrast between the two programmes that I identified is that the IB programme focuses more on a global scale and enabling young people to be global citizens which is not so clearly highlighted in CfE. As I mentioned previously, the class teacher encouraged the children to be reflective and I was able to see the pupils develop their reflections and discussions within the class.

Reflective Task 3:

Many of the progressive trends highlighted in the IB document reminded me of the Curriculum for Excellence. Student choice and child-centred were the first two that immediately reminded me of CfE as it aims to build a curriculum around what interests the child most and how they most effectively learn – relating to the challenge and enjoyment principle of the curriculum. Range of skills testing reminded me of the variety of methods of assessment within CfE and relates to the progression principle of the curriculum. Critical analysis is another point applied within CfE as assessment within CfE is not simply closed questioned testing but exploring formative testing and open discussions within class.

Reflective Task 4:

The videos and documents pointed out similarities with the IB and CfE programmes. One of these similarities being that interdisciplinary learning is applied to encourage children to use their skills in different contexts. Both programs focus on the education of the child as a whole. The personalisation and choice principle of CfE design is demonstrated in IB learning as well when the lessons are focused on how and what the class want to learn.

The PYP focuses more on a global scale whereas the CfE focuses more locally e.g. the use of local areas for outdoor learning. PYP also has a greater focus on languages and teaching children to be bilingual. The curricular areas also differ slightly as IB does not recognise technologies or religious studies within their curriculum.

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