Tag Archives: whole school approach

Restorative Approaches

Restorative Approaches (1.5 hours)


Evidence -:

Create a PowerPoint that can be used to explain Restorative Approaches to a Primary 7 class and the role that they can play in supporting a whole school approach.

Personal Thoughts:

This task was quite interesting to complete, it enabled us to think about practical ways in which we could inform pupils about Restorative Approaches in a way we thought would be appropriate. It was however quite difficult to decide what and how much to put in as it is a huge area which can be explored, even just for practitioners! This therefore meant it took slightly longer than the time stated due to deciding how to condense it to include what we felt was important. We felt that we must engage the pupils somehow and therefore decided to do a similar activity to the one we did in the input as we found this beneficial to relating it to real life situations. I feel that it is however very much an approach that requires a lot of time and effort to be put in, in order for it to be as effective and successful as it can be. It was definitely something of interest to me as I have never come across it in any of my placements so far – hopefully this may change as I continue through my professional career.

The task can be viewed as an attached PowerPoint –

Restorative Approaches

The attached images are scanned in copies of an activity sheet which can be used if the suggested activity (in PowerPoint) was carried out in a school/class environment –

IMG     IMG_0001