Tag Archives: attainment gap

Closing the Attainment Gap

Design a poster (3 hrs)

Design a poster on closing the attainment gap and how HWB can contribute to this. This poster should be of a high quality with typed print and pictures on A 3 sized paper.  Posters will be shared with the class.  For the portfolio, take a picture of the poster and include a bibliography.

Evidence:  A photograph of your poster and a completed reference list.

Personal Thoughts:

For this task it required some background reading to be undertaken to inform ourselves about the attainment gap in Scotland. We then discussed what we had found out and how we think we should complete the task. We deliberated a variety of ideas and had a few plans however we soon realised that we had so many ideas about what is being done to close the gap, this would be what we displayed. After discussing how we felt HWB contributed, we acknowledged that it is like an umbrella; everything done is in relation to HWB. With HWB being a responsibility of all, closing the attainment gap is also viewed in this way. For the gap to close, everyone must work together to achieve the ambition of the government. The introduction of Policy is a major influence in closing the gap however, for it to be successful, teachers and schools need to be informed about ways in which they can implement effective strategies into their practice.

On reflection of the final product, I feel it could have been more engaging; with more colour and images & being less wordy. However due to working as a small group time was an issue for some. I do feel I could have potentially been more persistent in suggesting using my own resources (printer etc.) to enable this to be achieved however I recognise that working in a group, compromises have to made.

This was an enjoyable activity as it is an area of great interest to myself. I found that those I worked with had little/no knowledge of what the attainment gap is and what is being done to reduce it; this was therefore beneficial in allowing an opportunity to discuss the issue whilst informing others at the same time.

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The attached document is a reference list which was used in the initial research of ‘Closing the Attainment Gap’ before producing the poster –

Poster References