Music & HWB

Choose a piece of music and consider how you could use this in a HWB lesson about mental health.

Evidence: Write up a lesson outline plan (with learning intentions, success criteria, assessment and activities), include the music used.  (1 hour)

Personal Thoughts:

This task was quite challenging to try and think of a piece of music which which could be developed into a lesson however after going along to a workshop about Happiness & Wellbeing we thought that looking at calmness would be appropriate. Thinking about some of the behaviour management strategies being implemented in schools this lesson we believe could also work as a strategy.

From personal experience, putting a piece of calm, soothing music on after break/lunch or at times where the children are unsettled or a bit too excited/worked up was successful. The music helped bring them back to a state of mind where learning was able to take place. It was also good for me as a teacher to ensure lessons were able to be delivered.

The task can be viewed as a word document –

Music Lesson Plan

Piece of Music – only play for length of time required

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