Blog Posts

Throughout the HWB module which I am currently undertaking I have worked alongside a number of my peers. Therefore, the tasks which have been completed and posted have been done in a variety of ways. These include working in small groups (3-5 people), paired and individual pieces of work. I believe that with the profession I am going into it is important to work collaboratively with others. This module has enabled this through both the lectures and tasks set. I feel that completing the different tasks in pairs/small groups has enabled me to develop many skills which will aid my future professional development.

In addition, I believe that through working with others, discussing different ideas and viewpoints has enabled some of the tasks to be completed more successfully than if I had done them completely solo. Having the opportunity to share our own knowledge of certain aspects of the module and ideas for activities & learning whilst working together to make decisions has broadened my understanding of different areas within HWB.

Finally, working with others to complete this portfolio has made the experience more enjoyable. We have been able to motivate and encourage each other when we are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the workload of 4th year. The module itself has been interesting (so far) and is developing my thinking of many different issues surrounding the teaching of HWB.

So…. I hope you enjoy reading the posts!


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