One of the reasons for using multimodal texts is to make learning memorable and this is just one of the many ways that using multimodal presentations can enhance pupils’ learning, but only if the teacher has reasonable knowledge of the subject area. Technology also being so multimodal is another of the main reasons to use it because it allows teachers to present their lessons in a range of ways to help pupil’s understanding (Beauchamp, 2012). Multimodal texts are made by combining two or more semiotic systems. There are five semiotic systems all together including: linguistic, visual, audio, gestural and spatial. Multimodal texts also encourage hands-on learning as Prandstatter (2014) found that touch screens can become a social learning tool encouraging hands-on experiences thereby helping children to learn by doing.
Today during Digital Technologies we were learning about the different kinds of multimodal presentations, but focusing on ActivInspire. We were to create flipcharts using ActivInspire Primary. Our flipchart was based around the outcome MNU 1-10a; I can tell the time using 12 hour clocks, realising there is a link with 24 hour notation, explain how it impacts on my daily routine and ensure that I am organised and ready for events throughout my day. We used a selection of clocks, both analogue and digital, in which the children would try to make the connection between the two and then progress further to the teacher asking the children what time was on the clock and getting them write their answers on the flipchart, promoting hands-on experience. The next couple of pages were dedicated to the second part of the outcome; getting the children to focus on their own daily routines as each child may do things at different times of the day. The teacher would ask what time the pupil does a certain activity and get the to come up and write their answer in one of the three forms, either digital, analogue or in words.
As time progresses, technology will develop more as well. Technology and interactive learning have become such a big part of everyday teaching, so being able to use multimodal texts is something I feel is extremely important. Multimodal texts are a key element that I will use in my own lesson planning as it will allow children to gain a deeper understanding of the subject being taught.
Beauchamp, G. (2012) ICT in the Primary School: From Pedagogy to Practice. Pearson.[Accessed: 5/2/2018]