LEAP Volunteer Training – SAMH Let’s Talk

Wednesday 25th September 2019, 1800-2000

This training was provided by the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH), who work to break down the stigmas attached to having a mental health problem, such as; anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. SAMH was founded in 1923 to provide support to a wide network of Local Associations for mental health.

Their work falls under three strategic goals:

  • Being there for people
  • Promoting Good Mental Health
  • Ending Stigma and Discrimination

SAMH has 5 ways to better wellbeing;

1. Connect: staying in touch with loved ones can make us feel happier and more secure, just a chat can help improve your mood.

2. Be Active: being active isn’t just good for our physical health, it is also proven to have a positive effect in our mental health and well-being.

3. Take Notice: whether you are spending time with loved ones or taking a moment for yourself, try to stop to take notice and be aware of the present.

4. Learn: learning enhances your self esteem and confidence, and can be a great way to meet new people.

5. Give: it feels great to give – in fact those who report a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy.

SAMH also have the Let’s Talk project which;

  • Tackles stigma and discrimination against mental health disorders
  • provides signposting to services and organisations
  • provides free engagement workshops
  • 5 ways to wellbeing (see above)
  • mental health first aid kit
  • Kit bag for emotional expression (£50 cost)

I found this workshop very interesting and I was very impressed with the work which SAMH carries out to tackle the stigma around mental health and the ways in which the debunk myths and remove a feeling of taboo from the subject matter. Upon completing the training, I now feel more confident in my understanding of mental health and ways in which I can help both myself and others mental health, accessing necessary resources, services or organisations.


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