Expressive Arts and Culture Week 6

Our final Expressive Arts and Culture input took place in Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. We were greeted by Anna and she explained the programmes and activities that the 10 Glasgow museums have available from both primary and secondary schools. As well as this, she told us that there are workshops available for teachers to expand their knowledge on a subject for example, the dinosaurs.

We also had the opportunity to view the ‘Dippy on Tour’ exhibition. This is a diplodocus dinosaur skeleton to scale that is only in the museum for a limited period of time. I regularly visit the museum with my family to see different exhibitions available and I felt grateful to see this current exhibition as it was something different from my last visit.

Whilst exploring the museum and art gallery, we were given the task of creating our own exhibition surrounding a theme. Everyone chose their own theme which meant that everyone was looking for unique pieces of art that was relevant to their specific theme. We were asked to take 10 photos of objects or paintings that we believed matched our theme.


Below are vlogs I took inside the museum!



I chose the theme of culture as not only was it interesting to view the different cultures around the world, but it also related to my evocative object. In particular, I focused on the unique designs of masks that exist around the world.

This was a fun way of exploring the museum. I enjoyed this task and I learned a lot from reading the different information given about each piece of art. As a teacher, I think taking pupils to the museum and carrying out an activity like this would be enjoyable yet also very educational. Furthermore, if pupils are learning about Egyptians, they would benefit from coming to the museum and taking part in one of the workshops exploring both the Egyptians and the expressive arts in more depth. An experience and outcome that could relate to this task I took part in at Kelvingrove museum and art gallery is, ‘Through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum, I can create images and objects which show my awareness and recognition of detail.’ EXA 2-04a


Education Scotland (2004) Curriculum for Excellence; Experiences and Outcomes [Online] Available: [Accessed 18th February 2019].

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