Expressive Arts and Culture Week 5

During today’s Expressive Arts and Culture workshop, we had the opportunity to create a model of our evocative objects.

To create my artwork I used paper and a pencil. Initially I had the intention of using pipe cleaners and metal rods but this was proven too difficult for me to work with. I was extremely proud of the work that I produced and I have an idea of how I could further develop my drawing in the future.

Here is a sketch of what I planned to draw:

Below is the final drawing of my piece.

Around my drawing, I then used my prepared concrete poem that consisted of 62 words relating to my evocative object. This was in a love heart shape around my drawing. Some words that I used within my poem were as follows: memories, volunteering, culture, happiness, friendship and precious. All of the words I used specifically related to my object and were words that reminded me of it. I realised just how much this object means to me and I found it easy to write different words that related to it.

This input was very independent and you could express yourself however you felt was necessary, I have created a vlog that helps to explain the emotions and impact that this task had on me.

Below is my vlog relating to today’s input.


This activity was insightful and enjoyable and I feel that young people would appreciate a lesson like this. This allowed us to express ourselves and it emphasises how important it is for children to express their creativity skills. Eisner (2002), made this clear when stating that the arts allow pupils to think through material and create art that is unique to them. When I am a teacher, I will try to carry out a similar activity with the experience and outcome,

‘I can create and present work using the visual elements of line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern and texture.’ EXA 1-03a


Education Scotland (2004) Curriculum for Excellence; Experiences and Outcomes [Online] Available: [Accessed 24 February 2019].


Eisner, E (2002) The Arts and Creation of Mind. London. Yale University Press

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