This week as a class we watched the Tim Ingold talk that Tim Ingold himself gave to staff and students at UWS several years ago. I found what Tim spoke of very interested and definitely food for thought.
The first area that has made me think is two ways education can be seen as, here Tim talks about teaching our children what they need to know as we ourselves learned and generations before us in comparrison to allowing pupil and teacher to venture out and find what there is to discover. Ideas such as these are what we discuss in our workshops and by slightly removing formal instructions you are lowering the chance of similar work/outcomes created by a class of young learners as creativity has been allowed.
Care Inspectorate (2018), found that children who where allowed to engage with creativity with little formal instruction were more likely to be strong, confident individuals. This is because the chid has had opportunity to think for themselves, overcome problems and receive praise on work they know they carried out with no formal instruction
Tim Ingold goes on to discus handwriting which he feels is at risk and soon to be forgotten about during in an ever changing digital age. I can particularly relate to the part he speaks about the of individuality in handwriting as I have noticed this while out on school placement. I really enjoy reading hand written work from my class as they all write in their own individual way which is something that no one can take away from you, unless you are a keyboard and this is where the children are at risk of loosing their handwriting.
As my class are only in primary 5 I feel that it is highly likely that when they are young adults entering the working world that they will very rarely write as all their work will be on a computer. Personally I feel pressure to use a keyboard most days however I fight the urge and I take lecture notes with pen and paper, this helps me to think for myself in regards to spelling and punctuation as the keyboard will do this for me otherwise and I will eventually loose these skills for myself.
Below are some on my handwritten notes from lectures as you can see they are most defiantly not typed on a keyboard and I think that it is highly unlikely that my keyboard and I could do this as well as I can myself.
Tim Ingold suggests looking at your writing and the shapes that are made, enlarging your handwriting to see shapes and fine detail, this is something that is it risk in education and as a student teacher I will ensure that any class I teach, will always have oppertunity to write by hand.
- Care Inspectorate, (2018) The Hub. [Online] Available: [Accessed: 05 December 2018].