Integrated Arts in Education Week 10 – 13/11/18

Dance was the expressive art that we looked at today and as I am not a dancer, I was interested to learn how I could teach a dance session to a class of young learners.  A good thing for me to remember is, dance is something that can be done alone or with others and what you create is your own creation that know one can change however you should be in practice of reflecting on your work and that of others in order to make improvements (Cone, 2009).

In class today our lecturer spoke of 10 basic dance skills, with a combination of such skills paired with music and props, this makes a well rounded expressive art performance.  I feel that this would be achievable for me in the future and I look forward to the oppertunity should it arise.

10 Basic Dance Skills

  1. Balanance
  2. Gesture
  3. Hop
  4. Jump
  5. Kick
  6. Reach
  7. Roll
  8. Slide
  9. Turn
  10. Twist

I do understand that this will not be all that I need to know, therefore I aim to intend CPD’s ignorer for me to expand my skills and knowledge around this curriculum area.  Why do I want to do this?  Dance is in the curriculum and I understand why, when a child has the oppertunity to be creative or express themselves than education should allow this.  Experiences in expressive art such dance will see pupils and teachers increase their confidence, build up self esteem and staying active for good health and wellbeing (Care Inspectorate, 2018).

Understandbly dance is not for everyone however I am confident that I could involve a whole class in a school performance as I would need an entire cast and crew covering cross curricular areas such as:

Science: Stage lighting, Electricity Circuit Boards.

Technology: Performance Recording, Setting up microphones.

Engineering: Stage assembly, Stage Design.

Art: Stage Appearance, Stage Props, Costumes.

Music: Dance Tracks, Singing, Sound Effects.

I believe with dance if you can learn 10 basic dance skills and attend regular CPD’s, reflect on your practice and the practice of other then there is no reason that dance should not be included in a child’s education. As we know dance includes health and well being indicators such as SHANARRI (Care Inspectorate, 2018).

Safe – The teacher will plan and ensure safety at all times.

Healthy – Pupils will do appropriate warm up and stretches.

Achieving – Pupils will be praised for their work.

Nurtured – No one will do anything they do not wish to do.

Active – Pupils will be active during dance performances.

Respected – Allow for creativity and believe in pupil validality.

Responsible – Pupils be responsible for something during and up to the performance.

Included – All pupils will have a part to play i the production.

Most importantly the class can imagine through creativity, pretend to be someone else if they wish to and also to remove themselves from any worries by immersing themselves in expressive arts.


Care Inspectorate, (2018) The Hub. [Online] Available: [Accessed: 05 December 2018].

Theresa Purcell Cone, (2009) Following Their Lead: Supporting Children’s Ideas for Creating Dances, Journal of Dance Education. [Online] Available: [Accessed: 05 December 2018].


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