Today we began by looking at stimuli to engage with arts. By using the world around you such as poems, pictures and music, all of which can help to inspire within the arts. Below is a story board inspired by music that was completed by myself and my peers. When given the task of completing a story board I was struggling for ideas and inspiration however when the class lecturer started to play music to assist our creativeness myself and my group started drawing up ideas immediately. This is something that I very much look forward to trying while I am out on school placement.
It fascinates me to learn that by playing a piece of music can spark such creativity when before there was little or none. To me music is a way of relaxing, an escapism and as I have referred in previous blogs to the arts and that their are very similar in character that they create an escapism. Csikszentmihaylyi (1997) refers to the term ‘in flow’, when you are doing something you enjoy you can block out any worries as you don’t have the concentration capacity to do both.
Below you can see an example of a professional approach of animation and music working side by side and rather well, if I may add.
Later in the day, we discussed looking and talking about art, this links well to our morning lecture as we were using pictures as stimuli. Below you can see an emotional learning card from the Institute of Visual Arts (INIVA) with an image on one side and questioning on the back. We used these in class where I felt quite embarrassed or shy about speaking out incase I was wrong.
These feelings and emotions can also be seen in school children as stated by (McAuliffe, 2007, p.28) ‘By KS3 children are at that difficult stage when someone will begin to feel self conscious about their own skill level,’.
I too discussed a painting of my own which I have included below in this blog. I did not find this easy, perhaps because I knew that I was recording myself and that I feel that I lack sound knowledge and have little confidence both of which I aim to work on and improve by immersing myself in the arts, spending more time staring and thinking.
A CFE experience and outcome for this type of topic could be, inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design – EXA 0-05a / EXA 1-05a / EXA 2-05a.
In conclusion of todays learning it is clear that art is ambiguous and I must remember this, for myself and to allow others to be reminded. If someone thinks that they can’t, that they might be wrong, they must be reassured and ensured that we can and we will all look at the arts differently which makes our work creative and unique.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997) Creativity: flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York. harper perennial.
Education Scotland, (2004) Curriculum for Excellence; Experiences and Outcomes. [Online] Available: [Accessed: 20 October 2018].
McAuliffe, D. (2007) Foundation and Primary Settings. In Teaching Art and Design 3-11. London: Continuum.