QR codes



the focus of this class was using technology in an outside learning environment in particular the use of QR codes. Unfortunately I missed this class too so was not able to take prt in the planning or execution of the task. However I did some reading of the document the intention of the curriculum for excellence through outdoor learning (learning and teaching Scotland 2010) and I have some personal experience of the use of QR codes. Over the weeks I have realised how technology shapes the world of our children and my belief has grown towards how important it is that technolgy is used in an educational setting. Not only does it enhance their learning but it equips them with the skills they need for their digital lifestyle. QR codes are one of many of those technologies used in everyday life.

The class were given a QR code cracker task where they had to scan codes using a downloaded QR scanning app QR reader. This gave them multiple choice questions of which they had to answer and note the letter of the chosen answer. They were then shown a picture of the location where the next code would be and so on. I spoke to some of my fellow students who told me the task was good fun and they themselves enjoyed the outdoor experience. The curriculum for excellence through outdoor learning states that “learning outdoors can be enjoyable, creative, challenging and adventurous and helps children and young people learn by experience and grow as confident and responsible citizens who value and appreciate the spectacular landscapes, natural heritage and culture of scotland”. Learning and teaching Scotland (2010, p5).  I can agree with this as in my own experience as a mother children relish the idea of being outdoors and often do not realise they are learning. The sense of freedom can unleash an abundance of creativity and confidence for some children that may not be seen in the classroom environment. I believe being outside deepens the their learning and can make it more memorable. Learning and Teaching Scotland (2010, p9) states “Outdoor learning offers many opportunities for learners to deepen and contextualise their understanding within the curriculum areas”.

If I had done the task for this workshop I think it would cover many curriculum areas such as health and wellbeing, technology, science and literacy at first level. Some of the experiences and outcomes might be:

  • Health and wellbeing, HWB 1-22a I am developing skills and techniques and improving my level of performance and fitness.
  • Health and wellbeing, HWB 1-23a I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals.I recognise and adopt different roles in a range of practical activities.
  • Technology, TCH 1-01a I can explore and experiment with digital technologies and can use what i learn to support and enhance my learning I different contexts.

In conclusion I feel that outdoor learning holds many benefits for children development both physically and intellectually. There is endless possibilities to combine both technology and the outdoors which would enrich a child’s educational experience and allow all children the chance to thrive.

Logging off until next week…


Education Scotland (2010) Curriculum for Excellence Through Outdoor Learning.