Monthly Archives: January 2019

Patterns for Primary One

We have recently been looking into patterns within mathematics and learning in the Early Years classroom. Patterns can be a tool for children to recognise similarities and differences and enhances the uses of these skills in later life.

There are patterns everywhere. From picture books to road signs, children are exposed to patterns from a young age and will see things differently from each other. Patterns also form decoding skills and build upon curiosity. Through play and exploration, there are many resources for a Primary One class to develop an understanding of pattern.

A pattern must follow 3 rules-
– Replicable
– Regular
– Rules
Questions can be based around these rules such as ‘can you see anything that is the same or differences within these patterns?’
Patterns can also be visual, auditory or physical.

Song and dance is a great opportunity for patterns to form through physical movements and hearing similarities within the music i.e. verse then a chorus within a song. Alongside this, rhythm and rhyme can present patterns too. Art is also great for discovering patterns within the early years. Patterns can emerge when the children experiment with drawing and painting. An art lesson exploring patterns can lead to children being able create their own patterns and look for similarities and differences within each others art work.