Climate Change

I was eager to study this element of the course it is so relevant not in schools but to the topic of conversation. Before looking into this topic I had that misconnection that many do around climate change. I underestimated the power and destruction that can happen to the earth by it heating up a little.

Climate change is a huge current controversial issue in today’s politics. To define climate change is the transformation in the weather over a recorded set amount of time. Climate change is not about the weather on a day to day basis but the average weather at certain points and time (National Geographic Society, 2019). The climate of the earth as a whole has vastly changed in the last hundred years. The earth has increased the temperature which is negative on the environment. Slight adaption in temperature can have devasting effects it can completely change a biome, for example, the melting of the ice caps impacts all animals, nature, and land.

Here is a clip-on a child explaining climate change.

The earth is continually changing and adapting however the main debate on climate change is;

“Is climate change caused by humans or is it a natural process?”

The earth is surrounded by greenhouse gases that wraps tightly around the earth. Greenhouse gases can be naturally caused by disasters such as volcanoes. However natural disasters are not a regular occurrence for most places therefore it is a small percentage of the contributing greenhouse gases.  Due to the increased popularity of industrialisation since the 1700s, it has resulted in these gases to constrict the earth like a blanket making it a hotter climate. A hotter climate has the consequences of melting the ice caps and altering lands forevermore (Met office, 2019).

The Curriculum for Excellence encourages teachers to build awareness of climate change as it so current and important right now. It states-

I can investigate the climate, physical features and living things of a natural environment different from my own and explain their interrelationship. SOC 3-10a

(Scottish Government 2017).

It is important to inform children about climate change as children could, in turn, inform their parents which could make a difference to our environment. Children should be informed of these issues as it will be them one day solving them so easing children in early is curial. Easing children in also decreases anxiety about climate change as this can be terrifying to adults never mind young impressionable children. Therefore gently easing the topic in takes the fear away.

Curriculum for Excellence agrees that learning about climate change is so significantly important for children as it has the experience and outcome of-

By exploring climate zones around the world, I can compare and describe how climate affects living things. SOC 1-12b

(Scottish Government 2017).

Our educational government recognises the need to inform children about our climate as to not teach about this is doing injustice. Children should not be sheltered about the world they live in. instead, they should be taught correctly to be able to make a difference.

Experiments carried out

Weather front experiment- Using hot (red colouring) and cold water (blue colouring) we tested to see if heat rises. The red raised to the top and the blue sank. I think children would enjoy this as it is easy to set up and they would be able to get hands-on experience. I was surprised with this experiment although the photos do not convey it well the water really separates and shows you the difference between hot and cold.











Rain cloud experiment- using a beaker, shaving foam and food colouring. This experiment shows how rain escapes from clouds. This would be good to use as a teacher and you could easily show this to a class inexpensively.

Doing activities like this relates to Kolb’s theory of experimental learning, children learn more when they have hands-on experience. It becomes more meaningful and memorable opportunity which increase learning capacity (Baker, Jensen and Kolb, 2002).

After this lesson, I feel knowledgeable about climate change. I understand the importance of this in our society and it is an extremely important aspect that we need to teach children about. Since learning about this topic I feel that I have developed the University of the West of Scotland graduate attribute of ‘research-minded’ as to get a good enough understanding I had to research this topic. I think I have started to develop the critical thinker trait too as with climate change you need to evaluate your sources. For example, questioning the president of American opinions. I have realised that my misconnection of underestimating the power of the earth increasing temperature is so dangerous. Many people think this is a bonus as their country will heat up but for a country to increase temperature is damaging to our precious environment.


Useful sources





Baker, A.C., Jensen, P.J. and Kolb, D.A., 2002. Conversational learning: An experiential approach to knowledge creation. Greenwood Publishing Group.

National Geographic Society. (2019). Climate Change. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Oct. 2019].

Met Office. (2019). What is climate change? – Met Office. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2019].

Scottish Government (2017). Benchmarks sciences. [Online] [Accessed: 19 October 2019].

YouTube. (2015). Climate change (according to a kid). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2019].

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