Monthly Archives: October 2018

Counting on Technology

An abacus is used to help solve maths problems. After researching and teaching myself how an abacus is used, it prompted my question for this week; are mathematical tools as effective as technology today?


Lumen (2018) explains ‘the idea of number and the process of counting goes back far beyond history began to be recorded. There is some archeological evidence that suggests that humans were counting as far back as 50,000 years ago’. It is important to have an understanding of the history of our maths and number systems in order to have an appreciation for it. It can also allow us to see how counting has progressed over time. This can be useful to highlight to pupils as it can give them a more broad view of mathematics if they can see where concepts originated and progressed.

So why did counting systems evolve is they previously were non existent? Lumen (2018) states ‘as societies and humankind evolved, simply having a sense of more or less, even or odd, etc., would prove to be insufficient to meet the needs of everyday living’. This can highlight the relevance of counting as a part of maths as it was needed for everyday living. Emphasising the relevance of concepts in maths is becoming a common theme as I progress through this module as I find myself searching for the real life contexts.

Therefore, if tools such as an abacus were created in order to meet the needs of daily living, it would make sense for them to still be of use today. Although technology may solve problems faster or more easily, physical tools can still provide an effective learning experience for children.

Counting Tools Today

These methods made me think about a tool used in maths today called Numicon. When using this on my professional practice, I found that children engaged with it much more positively as they found it interesting and enjoyable. NCTEM (2018) states ‘when Numicon patterns are arranged in order, pupils begin to notice important connections between numbers for instance that each number is one more than the last and one fewer than the next, odd and even numbers and place value’. Pupils who would otherwise refuse to engage with mathematics would thoroughly enjoy activities using these tools. This was because they perhaps felt as though they were not doing maths, or what they perceived it to be. This highlighted for me that it was not maths itself that caused the pupils to be reluctant but their attitudes to traditional maths learning. This further reinforces the idea of relevance that is essential in maths understanding. This also answers my question as to why tools such as these are still used in place of technology. These number tools are also versatile and perhaps this is why they have adapted with the times and are still relevant.


Forrester (2003, p.8) proposes the idea that it is more effective to have children use a calculator to discover how many ways to make the number ten as opposed to using a calculator to solve a series of problems. This is an example of children gaining a deeper understanding of mathematics and using tools to discover and investigate for themselves. Forrester (2003, p. 8) also states ‘a class set of graphic calculators allows each pupil to have a simple ‘mini-computer’ at their own desk, available when required without a trip to the school computer suite’. This means that using calculators in class provides pupils with a small piece of technology that is easily accessible and can be used within the classroom. This could mean more opportunity for solving maths problems in less traditional ways and more chance for pupils to investigate maths for themselves.


Forrester (2003, p.2) explains it is important as teachers to constantly be aware of changes in technology in order to provide an effective learning experience. This means that as part of continuing professional development, teachers should keep updated with implementing technology to teach maths. Forrester (2003, p. 3) states ‘teachers have now been struggling for many years to integrate calculators and computers effectively into their day-to-day teaching’ this means that although some teachers may be capable of bringing new technologies into the classroom, they are finding it difficult to implement this. I therefore think that it is important to continue to be creative and inventive in teaching mathematics in order to implement tools and technologies effectively.


Therefore, physical tools and objects are still useful in classrooms today. These tools such are versatile and provide a different learning experience for pupils, stepping away from traditional methods. It also allows them to develop a deeper understanding through their own investigation. Technology today is also a useful tool in mathematics but in order to be effective, teachers should take the responsibility to stay updated and be creative.


Lumen Learning Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (2018). Early Counting Systems. Available at: (Accessed: 17/10/18).

National Centre for the Excellence of Teaching Maths (2018). Numicon. Available at: (Accessed: 17/10/18).

Way, Jenni, and Toni Beardon (2003). ICT and Primary Mathematics. England: Open University Press.

The HEV Project. (2013). Abacus Lesson 1: Introduction, Proper Technique and History of the abacus.(online video). Available at: (Accessed: 23/10/18)


The Art of Maths

When this concept was explained in our lecture, I did not fully understand. I feel this may happen many more times throughout the module as I familiarise myself with maths again. I decided to remain positive towards maths and explore the idea for myself until I both understood the how and the why. I think that I understand that there must be some element of mathematics within art. However I did not fully appreciate how interesting this is or exactly how it works. I have aways found maths intimidating and daunting. So my question for this week is; can I find the beauty in maths for myself?

Mark Warner (2015) discusses the idea that digital roots can provide a visual representation of the multiplication tables. As a visual learner, I found this helpful as I can link a mathematical concept to something almost artistic. I think that in the classroom, pupils who may struggle with the traditional learning methods of maths may find an exercise such as this helpful. I also now see the importance as it could be of benefit to children should they be able to identify and create patterns. This could bring forth the relevance of mathematics for children which is essential if they are to have the motivation to learn. Not only can I now appreciate how the digital roots work but I also can appreciate how clever it really is. Exploring times tables in this way would be an enjoyable and different experience for children whilst deepening and broadening their understanding of maths.

The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Maths (2011) explains that creating art with maths must begin with an understanding of shape. My experience of observing shape taught was solely classifying and memorising the properties of shapes.  This is a good basis for understanding but should be explored further. Haylock (2007) explains ‘this process of classifying and naming leads to a greater confidence in handling shapes and a better awareness of the shapes that make up the world around us’. Exploring shape through art can bring relevance and a real life context which can solidify this learning for pupils.

Being able to tie together mathematics with art will highlight for children the importance and relevance of maths in daily life. I think it is important when learning maths to occasionally detach the concept from their traditional exercises and relate them to real life situations. Education Scotland (2018) highlight one of the key principles as relevance meaning this is essential to the curriculum. It is also a word I heavily associate with maths, bringing forward the relevance is key in my personal experience in order to give me the motivation.

I decided to explore interesting ways of intertwining art in maths to highlight the relevance of maths in what we see around us.


Image result for pretty architecture                                  

Using the example of architecture can show pupils how amazing maths and its uses can be. This is something I did not think about for myself but so much architecture is beautiful and would not be possible without maths. David Mumford (2006) states ‘the beauty of mathematics is very similar to the beauty one finds in abstract art or architecture, or in music’. Images such as these illustrate the beauty of mathematics. I think that making pupils feel inspired by mathematics could be a step in the direction of creating a more positive attitude towards maths.

Islamic Art

Creating Islamic art in classrooms can also be an interesting way of exploring maths. Salim Al-Hassani (2007) explains that ‘Girih designs feature arrays of tessellating polygons of multiple shapes, and are often overlaid with a zigzag network of lines’. This gave me some context for the concept of tessellation and an example of its use. I think that for teachers to have confidence and competence to teach maths, it is important for them to appreciate  the relevance of maths for themselves.

Image result for islamic art

The Maths

It is all very well that I now can appreciate the maths in art but i still wanted to understand.

0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 , ? , ? , ?..

I first of all wanted to know where the Fibonacci Sequence came from. Tyler Clancy (undated) states ‘first derived from the famous “rabbit problem” of 1228, the Fibonacci numbers were originally used to represent the number of pairs of rabbits born of one pair in a certain population’. Therefore a number sequence was used to tackle a real life problem. This gave me an idea of the importance of the Fibonacci Sequence. However, I was still thinking, why would this be important for me to know? Dan Reich (undated) further describes that the sequence spans so much further than it’s original purpose as it can be used in so many other contexts. This means that perhaps understanding the sequence could give me a wider and deeper understanding of mathematics which is an aim I have for myself throughout this module.

Fibonacci in Nature

The Fibonacci Sequence can be used to highlight patterns in nature. Dr Ronn Knott (2016) explains ‘on many plants, the number of petals is a Fibonacci number: buttercups have 5 petals; lilies and iris have 3 petals; some delphiniums have 8..’. This provides a basis for many lessons which can give maths a real life context. This also further develops a point made in my previous blog post about the necessity of highlighting relevance in maths. I can also see a positive to this as it can encourage exploration of maths and number. This is important in itself as I wanted to have a more positive attitude towards maths.

Image result for fibonacci in nature


Fibonacci in Art

Expanding on this point about encouraging children to explore the maths in the world, another example is art. This is all down to the ‘golden ratio’. Elaine Hom (2013) explains ‘The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part’.

Image result for fibonacci in art


Looking into images and seeing them as more than they are can motivate children to think deeper about maths and make discoveries for themselves.


I am beginning to see development of a deeper understanding as a key theme in the module. My own experience of mathematics left me with a profoundly surface level understanding of maths and I wish to give my pupils a richer experience. My research for this blog post has given me a new appreciation for maths and all of the beauty around us that would not be possible if not for maths. I also feel motivated to become more confident in the subject for myself because the love of maths in the future begins in the classroom.


Al Hassani, S. New Discoveries in the Islamic Complex of Mathematics, Architecture and Art. Available at: (Accessed: 27/9/18)

Education Scotland (2017) What is Curriculum for Excellence? Available at: (Accessed: 27/918)

Haylock, D. (2007) Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers. London: Sage Publishers.

J. Hom, E. (2013). What is the Golden Ratio?. Available at: (Accessed: 5/10/18)

Knotts, R. (2016). The Mathematical Magic of the Fibonacci. Available at: (Accessed: 6/10/18)

Mumford, D. (2006) as cited in CECM (undated). Mathematics belongs in a liberal education. Available at: (Accessed: 27/918)

NCTEM Admin (2011)  The Art of Mathematics. Available at: (Accessed: 27/9/18)

Reich, D. (undated) The Fibonacci Sequence, Spirals and the Golden Mean. Available at: (Accessed: 6/10/18)

Warner, M. (2015). Available at: (Accessed: 28th September 2018).