This week in particular, I have learnt about the importance of knowledge on musical notation. I have always viewed notation as a highly complex area of music, however, after this week’s input I have discovered simpler alternatives to learning bout notation. I now know that to understand musical notes and notation, you do not have to be a professional.

The importance of notation is highlighted in the Curriculum for Excellence’s experiences and outcomes:

I can sing and play music from other styles and cultures, showing growing confidence and skill while learning about musical notation and performance directions.

EXA 1-16a (Benchmarks Expressive Arts, 2017)

It is important to get children invested in music from a young age. One way to do this is to include things that children are interested in, and find easy. Examples of this may be animal names, shapes or colours. The following video shows how animals can be used to develop children’a knowledge of rhythm. (The Fun Music Company, 2013)


Following this weeks drama input, I now have a new found appreciation for puppets used in the classroom. I now know that puppets can be used for any age and any curricular area. Puppets can encourage children to take lead of their own learning, and increase creativity in the classroom.

In groups of 4, we created stories using each person’s puppet. Our group worked well together and created a comical story about a witch and her cat working through the COVID-19 pandemic and looking after the bunny and dinosaur. Although done remotely through ZOOM, we all enjoyed this task and it highlighted how enjoyable it would be in the classroom. This tsk could be taken further and turned into a literacy lesson including creative writing and/or storyboards.




  1. Benchmarks Expressive Arts. [ebook] Education Scotland, p.11. Available at: <https://education.gov.scot/nih/Documents/ExpressiveArtsBenchmarksPDF.pdf> [Accessed 28 October 2020].

The Fun Music Company, 2013. Teaching Rhythm With Animal Names.

Available at: <https://youtu.be/pmPy_JJDj64> [Accessed 28 October 2020].

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