Tag Archives: Inclusion

Inclusion and Equality- Focus on Disability


In Society and Lifestyle, in todays input through the lecture, seminar and independent tutorial I have gathered and developed my thoughts and questions about people with disabilities and their experiences in society on inclusion and equality. Disability is number two of the nine characteristics protected against discrimination by the Equality Act 2010. I find this topic extremely interesting to read about and how being disabled can cause unfairness, I feel that it is crucial for society to treat everyone the same and give everyone equal opportunities. From looking back at ancient times, the treatment of people with disabilities was horrifying by many people being persecuted or killed just because they had a disability. In todays 21st century it is becoming an increasing matter that we as society must learn to create a new reality and ways of being.

Many people argue the matter that impairments themselves cause the disability by preventing them doing usual day to day activities, however, personally I believe that it is in fact the physical environment that surrounds us that causes magnificent ways of living and problems with those that live with a disability they find restrictions almost everywhere around them. I agree with Mel Ainscow belief that assumptions of people with disabilities are not intellectually developed and that those living with a disability should be moved into the mainstream environment to allow everyone to have fair and equal opportunities in the world.

In addition to this, I find the ‘universal design’ a very crucial and interesting concept that hopefully in years to come will be put in place in several buildings to create an equal and fair environment of use for everyone. This will allow people to treat everyone the same as they don’t have barriers separating the disabled and the privileged.

‘The opportunity of adversity’ a TED TALK video that was filmed in October 2009 by Aimee Mullens who truly believes there is no such thing as ‘normality’. Everyone has their different opinions and attitudes, beliefs, likes and attitudes. Nothing is considered as ‘normal’ as everyone is different. Society must learn to appreciate and value everyone instead of shaming and looking down on people who maybe look different or speak different to everyone else.

I feel that this is a strong topic that I still need to look into further. I feel that as a student and hopefully as an educator in the future I will gather these thoughts and be able to treat all my pupils equally. John Ravis belief is to be able to suit everyone in society we must look at the least advantaged first and consider what and how we would provide for them first. I will do just this in my classroom for an equal class environment for my pupils to earn in.


Inclusion and Equality

equalityAfter this weeks lecture the main concepts that I have learned are the definitions and understanding of Inclusion and Equality. Before this input, I had previous knowledge on equality and inclusion from school however, I was always thought inclusion and equality was of similar meanings now I know they are in fact completely different. I feel that I now understand the importance of these terms and how they effect society in various different ways. I found equality most interesting to read about and fully understand the key information.

Equality has many different approaches towards the meaning, first being equality of opportunity. (Thompson 2011) believes that equality of opportunity means to provide people with the same equal opportunities and chances. This will allow everyone to receive the same starting point in life and limit the equal chance of success. Equality of outcome is another approach that can determine the meaning of equality. This approach means that moving on from opportunities different  people must be given the same outcome and rewards no matter what the opportunity was. A third approach is the equality as fairness that ensures that different types of people are provided with the amount of support they need and allowed to carry out their full potential no matter what their differences are to become successful. Furthermore, equality of condition involves people being given the equal support through various different forms in their life. (Lynch and Baker 2005) examines the five key dimensions, first being, resources such as income, health care, education – the psychological needs. Equality of respect and recognition such as to be accepted and have equal rights. Equality to love care and solidarity which is societies that offer this support like education and employment. Equality of access to power, such as to make civil and political decisions. Finally, equality of equal access to working and learning such as the right to be educated, gain skills and qualities.

Unfortunately these approaches are not agreed in society by everyone and discrimination is still happening everywhere. In order to understand what gives rise to inequality and discrimination (Thompson 2011) believes that the PCS analysis helps understand how they operate. P referring to personal; this is individuals assumptions in society today which are shaped by the personal experiences of equality around us. C refers to the cultural level is very influential people are constantly being stuck under what is perceived as ‘normality’ and refusing to open up to anything outside of this. S refers to the structural level and relates to wider opportunities of discrimination such as action in communities and political people. People follow in these steps and believes anything they do is correct and the right way. Following on from this Allport (1954) wrote a book called ‘The Nature of Prejudice’ and refereed to discrimination in terms of a scale. I found this extremely interesting as it marked down the terms in order of least to most extreme. Anti locution was his first term which refers to verbal abuse by discrimination. This is insensitive remarks made towards another group which are not intentional however it is based on their opinion and shown as their judgements towards the group. Avoidance is second on the scale which is when a person isolates/avoids/maintains distance themselves from a particular group because of their differences. Discrimination is next, this is denying people access to opportunities or services because they are different, for example segregation in america. Physical attack is next which is crime and vandalism , then extermination; ethnic cleansing. From the Inclusion and equality seminar the quote from Allport ‘Although most barking does not lead to biting [..] there is never a bite without previous barking’ (p. 57). I personally believe this means that verbal abuse could potentially lead to physical attack and people should constantly watch their verbal language.

I really enjoyed this input on inclusion and equality however I feel that i must complete further reading on inclusion as I don’t quite fully understand these concepts.