Expressive Arts and Culture- Session 3

Today we focused on composing sounds to incorporate into a moving image.

We completed this in groups of four and explored the BBC sound effects website to source appropriate sounds that would fit in with Mickey Mouse- The Haunted House. I was anxious of this task as I am not the best with computers and mixing tracks so was not expecting to enjoy it, however, the BBC sound effects website contains over 33,000 sound clips and was simple to use after we worked out which buttons to use and how to shorten and delay clips. The website also had its own sound mixer which was very useful as we did not have to change between websites.

Below is our finished piece.

In order to create this we had to source sounds for:

  • a storm- thunder/ rain/ wind
  • footsteps
  • bats
  • a door locking

Composing music and sounds is very beneficial in a child’s development. Activities such as the one we did this session will allow children to build confidence in the work that they produce, work and exchange ideas with class mates and problem solve. This enhances a child’s communication and social skills both in and outwith the classroom (Moran, 2012, p.1).

I really enjoyed the session today. Although it was difficult to begin with, we managed to become familiar with the way the website worked and I can practise using the website more in the future. I am glad that we were introduced to BBC sound effects as it is something I will use in my future practice and I believe that the children will find it highly engaging with numerous lessons and topics. I have left this session feeling more confident in this area of music and I cannot wait to incorporate this into my own lessons.

This activity accomplishes the following second level experiences and outcomes:

  • I can use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to experiment with sounds, pitch, melody, rhythm, timbre and dynamics – EXA 2-17a
  • Inspired by a range of stimuli, and working on my own and/or with others, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through musical activities – EXA 2-18a



BBC (no date) BBC Sound Effects. Available at: (Accessed: 25 February 2021).

Education Scotland (2017) Expressive Arts Benchmarks. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2021).

Logan (2021) Mickey Mouse Group Task. 3 March. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2021).

Moran, P. (2012) ‘Bringing Composing into Schools’, The Journal of Music. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2021).