Tag Archives: Youth

Ideology and Prejudice

This week’s lecture was about Ideology and Prejudice. Prior to the lecture, I felt I had a firm understanding of prejudice but was not confident in my understanding of ideology. However, I now feel I have gained knowledge in both these concepts as well new concepts discussed in the lecture, tutorial and independent task. I learned that when a person acts on their prejudice it becomes discrimination, I found this interesting as it shows how prejudice and discrimination are linked but also very different. I also discovered that prejudices are often learned in childhood, from parents or others around us. Because of prejudices being learned in childhood, the person who has such prejucided views them as normal. I feel that it is important, as a future primary teacher, to exhibit a non-prejudiced attitude. By doing so, I hope this will have an impact on those I teach thus reducing prejudice amongst young children. I feel confident in my understanding of most concepts discussed, however, to prepare for the exam, I would like to study some concepts in more depth to further enhance my understanding.