What does teacher leadership mean to you?
Prior to beginning this programme, I wrote down what Teacher Leadership meant to me. To me it meant challenging yourself, driving learning forward, passion, sharing, collaboration, developing a confidence in myself/ability, commitment, taking forward part of the School Improvement Plan and undergoing an enquiry project.
Now that I am reaching the end of the programme, I still agree with my initial thoughts. This programme as enabled me to recognise an interest in STEM and as a result I enrolled on a PG Cert in STEM in January. I have thoroughly enjoyed the enquiry approach and although it did not turn out as I had planned, and there were many twists and turns, it has created a starting point for the driving forward of STEM in my setting.
Where are you on your leadership journey and how has this been influenced by your enquiring approach?
In terms of where I am on my journey, I completed the GTCS Self-Evaluation Wheel to illustrate this.
GTCS Wheel (pdf available here)
I look forward to continuing with this enquiry once the new session starts again!
I’ve enjoyed reading your latest three posts. It’s interesting that you are now making the move from Digital leaders to STEM leaders in your school and it’s very encouraging that you will have support to continue exploring STEM and gender next session. Good luck with the next phase!