Attendance and Time Keeping

The school day begins at 8.50am with the warning bell ringing at 8.45am. Pupils must be in class on time and ready to begin learning. Our experience which is also supported through research and by statistics is that pupils with good attendance & timekeeping are more likely to be successful with their education.

Parents have a legal duty to make sure that their children attend school. But as well as this, children need to attend school to get the best out of their education. The school records attendance daily. Parents must let the school know about any authorised absence which could include sickness, religious observance or bereavement (among others). This way we can keep accurate attendance records which helps us to keep a track on truancy if it happens.

Also, you should avoid taking time off for holidays during term time. Classes are working hard right up until the end of term, and there are important lessons and activities for all pupils which are an important part of their education.

If your son/daughter is absent

  • Please phone or text the school when your son/daughter is absent.
  • Contact the school as EARLY as possible in the morning of the absence.
  • The school day begins with a warning bell at 8.45am. If your son/daughter arrives later than 9.00am they MUST sign in at the school office, collect a late slip and then go to class.

School Action

  • If we have had no contact from you regarding absence then phone calls/text messages will be made/sent to you either at home or work in the morning of the absence.
  • When late – we will assume your son/daughter is absent if they do not sign in and the above procedure will be followed.
  • If we do not receive a phone call/email/letter to explain absence then you may be asked to come into the school for a meeting.
  • If your son’s/daughter’s attendance & timekeeping becomes an on-going concern we will issue attendance letters and the pupil welfare officer could visit your house to discuss strategies for improving attendance.


  • If your son/daughter is unwell he/she must report to the school office.
  • If your son/daughter needs to leave the school (appointment) he/she must have a parental letter or appointment card signed by their Guidance teacher and then they report to the school office to sign out.



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