Achievement and Wider Involvement

We have many existing methods of recognising achievement in our school, both formally and informally. These include announcements and presentations at weekly assembly, annual awards evening, wall displays, achievement boards, newsletters, medals, badges, certificates, prizes etc.

We celebrate pupil achievement and wider involvement on our website, Twitter and Facebook. This includes all extra curricular opportunities, school trip information and departmental achievement opportunities. We are always keen to hear of pupil achievement out with school and would therefore welcome pupils and parents to inform us of achievements both in and out of school.

We encourage pupils to recognise and record their own achievements. Becoming involved in the wider life of the school helps to stimulate learning to gain knowledge and skills, including that not formally recognised in national qualifications. Through PSE pupils will be provided with the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned, experienced and achieved to date. This will be recorded in allocated pages in pupil homework diaries which will articulate with ‘profiling’.

We encourage pupils to develop their ‘higher order skills’ through the curricular areas and continue to develop their portfolio in PSE. Encouraging pupils to regularly record achievement through a structured process helps prepare pupils to reflect on their learning and development, valuable for being able to express themselves in applications or interviews with employers, colleges or universities.




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