Week 12- Ukuleles and Dance Evaluation

For our final week of integrated arts, we were focusing on the importance of fun throughout performing arts lessons even when you are having to focus more on the assessment side of things.       For this week’s music in-put we were having fun by learning how to play last Christmas on the ukuleles. And for our dance in-put we were performing our dance for the final time and also learning how we would evaluate a dance lesson, whilst having the opportunity to have fun by performing it for the final time we were also being serious by learning how to evaluate it.

For our music in-put we were having fun by learning a new skill. The new skill that we were developing was learning how to play the ukulele which was and is very different to the percussion instruments that we have been playing. By playing ukulele we were back to step one in the process of learning to play a new instrument like we did do a few weeks ago. The ukulele is a fun way that teachers can teach children new skills and also allow them to express themselves in another way. Also, by choosing to play last Christmas it is a fun way to get everyone involved in the festivities regardless of if they believe in Christmas or not, by choosing to do a topic like this everyone gets to feel a part of what they are participating in. By choosing to do something like this, it also allows everyone to experience the fun of Christmas and all it has to bring.



For our final dance in-put this week, we had a lot of fun of performing our dance routine for the last time. Before performing our routine for the last time, we had a lot of fun whilst getting to practise with our own little groups which we had created a good and strong bond with whilst having the opportunity to perform with them. Everyone I feel like, really enjoyed themselves. It was also great to see the progress in everyone’s performances and their confidence! After performing for the last time, we were learning how we would evaluate a dance routine to ensure the children had learned everything that they must learn in order to meet the needs of the curriculum. By learning how to evaluate a dance lesson we now know exactly what a child should gain from a block of dance lessons and what they will achieve when they have been successful in completing it. We also learned the importance of making this process fun for the children, as they would have enjoyed the rest of the process so they must enjoy working on how to improve everything that they have learned in such a short period of time.

Overall, this week in integrated arts we have been focusing on how to make it fun for children and also ensuring that everyone is included. The integrated arts module has been a way for us as future educators to help improve and gain our confidence so that we can ensure that when we have our own class we can also help and encourage them to do so.

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