Week 10- Figure Notes and Performing

This week in integrated arts we were focusing on the importance of supporting our peers when they may not feel that confident and also being proud of our peers for their achievements. In our music in-put this week we were using figure notes and for many of us playing a percussion instrument for the first time and in our dance in-put we were focusing on creating an intro to the dance routine and showing each other our work.

This week’s music in-put allowed most of us to play and perform on a musical instrument for the first time. We were exploring the instrument and practising how to use it and also working on our confidence in the subject. By using the instruments and having the opportunity to play and explore them this allowed us to gain some confidence in playing the notes and also using an instrument. Whilst we were exploring figure notes that made it easier for us to explore and follow the music. This for some people proved to be difficult however this is where our peers could step in and help us. By having some of our peers support us that itself gave us more confidence than what just practising on our own would.

Following on from our music in-put our dance in-put also put some people out of their comfort zones. As future educators we were able to feel exactly what a pupil would feel if they were put outside their comfort zone so we now know what we would have to do and say in order to make a child feel more comfortable in doing a task that does put them out of their comfort zone. Another part of this week that put some of us out of our comfort zone was actually performing our dances that we had created last week in front of each other. Although, we are a class and a section most of us felt this was very daunting and a challenging task to complete but our peers made it so much easier by clapping along and cheering for us when we had finished. This shows that when supported you can feel that you can achieve anything.

This week we were focused on supporting each other. This is extremely important in the classroom as children can and will empower each other which will allow them to achieve anything that they desire to.

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