Week 9-Reversed Teaching and 10 Basic Dance Skills

This week in we were focusing on learning basic skills in music and in our new subject area of dance. We were focusing on that when we learn our basic skills, we can build upon everything from there as long as we have our basic skills.

This week in music we had the great honour of having primary school children to come in and teach us basic skills of playing some instruments that you find in an orchestra. This was classed a reverse classroom where it was the pupil’s tasks to teach the teachers. Through this we as a class were able to pick up some basic skills that are required to play instruments and also to help us play together as a whole class just like you would in an orchestra. Whilst working with the pupils we were able to get the opportunity to speak to them to be able to appreciate just how much they enjoy learning about music and how many of them use it as an escape if they find other areas of the curriculum. This highlighted just how important it is for teachers to know the basics and also to fully understand them so the children can have the best experience possible.

Following along from the music workshop we took part in our first dance in-put. To begin our dance in-puts we were focusing on working on the 10 basic skills of dance. By both knowing and exploring the 10 basic skills we learned that you are able to create a dance, we were explored reasons why many people find that difficult when actually when you put your mind to it, it is easier than expected. Working in a group also gave people who were not as confident in taking part or creating their own routines, this allowed us to work on our team working skills and also our collaboration skills as everyone had their own ideas of what they would like to do however everyone got their ideas included.

Through this week we were able to explore why it is important that teachers know the basic skills of each subject so everyone can get the most out of those lessons, working with one another also gives the children the opportunity to work together and also help each other.

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