Week 5- Participating and Story Boards

This weeks in-puts were focusing on how something we have already learned and listened to can impact on what we are about to learn.

For the final drama in-put that we were participating in it was our turn to take part in micro-teaching lessons that our peers had created and implemented. This allowed us to see different perspectives and ways that different people come out with new ways of teaching and also different ways in which there is to deliver not only a drama lesson but any lesson that we may be teaching ourselves. This was also a great opportunity for us to see exactly what different ideas that’s different people can come up with, either if it is a fictional or non-fictional story. The ways that which each group delivered their lessons allows everyone in the room to think about different pedagogies that without this opportunity of microteaching we may not have been able to think of without the help and support of our peers. This then linked to our first music in-put.


For our first music in-put that we took part in we were listening to different sounds and were writing down what we as an individual thought of. We learned this week in music the importance of hearing what you as an individual wants to hear as it can reflect on how you are feeling but it can also tell the teacher what it is you are hearing. After we had listened to a sound scape, we were able to create a story board, we decided what had happened due to the change in music.      We were able to decide the characters, everything that had happened however, it had to match the music, whatever we thought of had to have come from the music. The creation of these story boards is a way for children to express themselves through music. Our first music in-put allowed us as future educators to see another different way that our children are trying to communicate everything that they can.


This week allowed me to see that in whatever children are doing and creating they are communicating, and expressive arts is an amazing way in which children are allowed to do that. This week introduced us to music and ways in which people can and will express their feelings and emotions. Drama also allows us to do this and we have previously explored which we will also continue to explore throughout our teaching journeys.

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